Naturally Cute: Doctors, Conventions, & Dolls oh my!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Doctors, Conventions, & Dolls oh my! all, long time no type!  Not going to lie my sickness just seems to get worst and I seem to get more random crap along the way.  I am FINALLY finding some spare time *and gathering up all the energy I currently have* to write this for you.  So before we start I do want to let you know I've been diving deeper into lolita fashion and find a sense of calm and beauty in it.  Working on my lolita page makes me happy so if you could take a moment and go over and like my page I'd totally appreciate it ^o^.  It will also benefit you if you like lolita as I post updates from the shopping service I officially promote: Loli Loli Paradise! I also Promote for my friends Jewelry and Hair Accessories lizzkitt3hjewelry!

So then as far as doctors go, I went to a functional medicine seminar my mum found an ad for in the mail.  I called and was told I qualify and we got to enjoy a free healthy dinner (Salad, Chicken, Rice, Fruit Cup, Beverages etc..) and listened to what the doctor does and can do for people.  After the seminar I was very lightheaded and ill feeling, my mother had to help me to get up to walk.  We decided it was important for me to get a consult by the doctor and see if he can help me, the consult rate was at a special price for the seminar.  So in short we went, I was accepted and now I am on my way to good health!  Its starting with some tests and I have to write a food and medication log every day.  I've had 2 apts so far and feel good about it, there understanding people who have your best interest at heart.  To learn more about functional medicine Doctor Cole's website is located here:

If you are not in the area Doctor Cole does skype calls and can assist anyone no matter where they live.  If your suffering tried everything else and are serious about getting healthy please go to the website and see if this may be right for you.  To Health!

So I did end up getting some Comic Con pics. I had to go alone as my friend was sick, but I still had a good time.  I found some anime, met some new people, and even hugged Verne Troyer ^^.  Oh and course I found batman tehe

The one booth had a nice selection of anime items, I was shocked! (below)


Of course the mandatory Haul aka stuff I bought picture ^_^

Not to long after Comic Con it finally arrived, DOLLISM 2014 in NY!  I had such an amazing time with my best friend Barbara.  We stayed at the Doubletree Hotel in Buffalo, New York and the staff was fantastic!  They provided shuttle service to the Hyatt Hotel which is where the convention was held.  We went to Niagara Falls on the group trip that Dollism offered on Friday.  It was beautiful, we did the cave of the winds tour and got upclose and personal with the falls.  I have so many pics from Dollism so I am only going to post some up here, for more you can view my album: Dollism 2014

Finally we come to the last con Zombie Fest 2014!  I have never been to one of these kind of con's before so it was a new experience.  I met up with my good friend Lizzi and was introduced to all kinds of people through her.  It was so fun they had different kinds of creepy crafts, a band, lots of people in costumes etc.  Lizzi brought cards against humanity and a bowl of candy OO, probably going to try to go next year as well.  Here is a couple of the pics we took.


Before I head out *yes I know this is late I apologize*  I have some news on dolls to go over ^^.  At Dollism I bought a beautiful soom Dimo I am paying off from a kind lady in room sales, he should be coming home beginning of next year some time.  More currently however, I am waiting on a volks fcs system to ship home as my new reshell of Cardcaptor Sakura!  She is a volks msd girl and when she gets home the talented Chi No Tenshi will be commissioning her faceup.  For more info on Chi please refer to my Affiliates button on the home page *theres a heart next to it ^^*.  Ok well thats all we have this segment stay tuned for more, I also plan on opening some kind of thing for my photography to be featured in and hopefully start being able to take photos of others for my portfolio!  Ja Ne until next time! *Also about the mystery doll, She was a volks sd cutie Mina but I didn't win her from the Lottery so I won't be getting her at least for now*

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