Naturally Cute: ^Ugh, everyone is so damn sick^

Saturday, March 15, 2014

^Ugh, everyone is so damn sick^

Hi all, I wanted to start this back to when my poor Pup first got sick but before that. Pictures from my friend Liz's Birthday party! Click the link  if you'd like to check those out ^^.  Click Here!
So, back a little while ago my poor doggy was really lethargic one morning.  I discovered she had blood on the back part of her and near her tail and we decided it was best to get her a vet appointment right away.  Later that day around 2pm, my mum was home and we hurried the precious pup to the vet.  It turns out she was having some constipation problems and her anal gland burst AKA the blood, and she had an infection and a fever.  Poor Pru *my dog's name* went on 3 different medications varying from the next week up to 15 days after, before returning for her return checkup.  The veterinarian's say she needs to finish up with another medication twice a day half a pill to finish getting better.  At least for Pru she now gets to eat green beans and/or pumpkin on top of her food to get the extra fiber she needs, and my dog loves people food.  On the way back the first time from the vet we stopped at KFC and they have these amazing new GO cups.  You get the main small meal mine was the crispy chicken sandwich and a side I got the potato wedges, for only 3 dollars + tax!  They are considered snacks* to some people but I consider it a meal it even comes in a weird rocket shaped container! I would recommend trying them there inexpensive and so good! They are also very easy to eat in a car AKA Go cup ftw.

Okay so I'm back with a lot to report ^^.  I am not sick anymore hurray the medication did its job, and my dog is better as well ^^.  I now have almost 300 fans on younow and I love every one of them who sticks by me.  I will also have a new youtube video up today so stay tuned for that *really need to put this in optional links I will someday ^^. It will be later this evening most likely.  You can also follow me on twitter if you like @candeesparkles.

In doll news I got my sweet girl moe 2nd home and shes adjusting well.  I named her Claire and once I get some pics done with the logo she will have some below here^

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